Double Hung Window Replacement
The windows in your home play a significant role in its overall comfort and style. When you want windows that will be a fashionable asset to your home and also provide you with years of practical use, you may consider installing double hung windows.
Double hung windows consist of two separate sash in a single frame. Both the top and lower sash open and tilt independently, allowing for improved ventilation in your home.
Placement of Double Hung Windows
Because the sash in one of these windows remains flush to the wall they provide the safety that homeowners look for when considering what style of windows to install. They are ideal to install in areas of the house that call for added safety and maximum ventilation. Some key areas in the home in which these windows are most commonly placed include:
- upstairs bedrooms
- walkways
- enclosed decks or patios
- bathrooms
Additionally, because the upper and lower sash open and tilt separately from each other the windows are also easy to clean. You can clean both the inside and outside glass without having to climb a ladder or take the glass out of the frame itself. If your home has more than one story, you will find that double hung windows are more convenient to install and take care of than other styles, such as single hung windows.
Replacing Your Home’s Windows
You may wonder how you will know when it is time to replace your home’s current windows with ones that are more innovative and modern in their design. Some of the main reasons to replace your old and outdated windows include:
- Drafts and wind
- Poor energy efficiency
- Higher utility bills
- Damage to existing windows, such as cracks and breaks in the glass
- Lack of privacy
Any of these reasons should give you pause to consider replacing your existing windows with a better choice like double hung windows. This newer and more innovative choice will give you the privacy you want and also help you lower your energy bills.
You can easily find double hung windows available today that are designed to block out the sun’s harmful rays from your home, thereby making your home more energy efficient. With their stylish design and thicker panes of glass, these windows will improve your home’s interior and exterior appearance. They ultimately will make your home more comfortable to live in for you and your family.
Your home’s windows contribute to how comfortable you feel in your own home. You can find out more about double hung windows by contacting Window & Door Outlet about its window replacement services today.