Serving New Jersey Homeowners Since 1997

When Is It Time For a Front Door Replacement?

Oct 11, 2022

Your front door is arguably one of the most important physical features of your home. It plays a major role in the security, energy efficiency, and curb appeal of your New Jersey home. There are numerous signs to look for that can indicate that it’s time for a front door replacement. The experts at the Window and Door Outlet Inc., have put together a guide to help you determine when it is time for a front door replacement.

Difficulty Operating

The front entry door of a home.

One of the most obvious signals that it is time to replace your front door is if you are having trouble opening and closing it. As the main function of a door, this is a tell-tale sign that you’re in need of a new one. Difficulty operating your front door can be a sign of larger damage, compromising the security of your home.

Air Leaks

If your front door has issues like cracks or gaps in the seal, it can be causing air to leak out of your home, potentially leading to higher energy bills.  As air leaks out of your door, your HVAC system has to work harder and use more energy to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

An Outdated Appearance

The simplest way to determine if it’s time for a front door replacement is by simply looking at the appearance of your front door. If yours is old, beginning to break down, or outdated, it can greatly affect the overall curb appeal of your home. Installing a new front entry door can help add value to your home while giving it an aesthetic refresh.

Contact Window & Door Outlet Today

If your front entry door is showing any of these signs, it’s time for a replacement. Luckily, the Window and Door Outlet can help! We offer a variety of durable and attractive front entry doors that can be further customized to fit any homeowner’s specific preferences, needs, budget, and timeline. We offer free, no-obligation consultations for New Jersey homeowners.