Serving New Jersey Homeowners Since 1997

What Should I Look for When Buying a Patio Door?

Aug 31, 2021

White sliding glass doorsIf your home’s patio doors need to be replaced, you’re probably thinking that choosing new ones will be a relatively simple process. However, selecting the perfect patio doors for your home can require a little more time and effort than you would expect. Exterior doors can be a significant investment, so it’s important that you select new doors that will not only fit your style preferences but also provide the level of performance you’re hoping for.

Factors to Consider When Buying Patio Doors

The first step you should take when considering a patio door purchase is to settle on a style. Options include traditional sliding glass doors, which are incredibly popular and fit well in tight spaces, and hinged (French) patio doors, which are an elegant choice but require room to open and close. Once you’ve settled on a style, you’ll have to consider your preferred:

  • Frame material – Popular options include wood, fiberglass, vinyl, and steel, which each offer distinct benefits.
  • Glass package – Do you want clear or frosted glass? How important is energy efficiency?
  • Grids – Do you want your French doors to have a traditional grid pattern? Do you want a grid pattern on your sliding glass doors to make then appear like French doors?

Offering High-Performance Patio Doors

No matter what your style and performance preferences are, Window & Door Outlet, Inc., has the patio doors your Central New Jersey home needs. We offer vinyl sliding doors, sliding doors with vinyl exteriors and real wood interiors, and fiberglass and steel French doors. We’ll help you design the perfect doors to match your preferences and budget, and we’ll install them flawlessly.

Contact Window & Door Outlet, Inc., today to learn more.