Serving New Jersey Homeowners Since 1997

Signs Your Windows Aren’t Energy Efficient

Apr 07, 2023

Side-by-side awning windows

Windows serve as integral components in determining the energy efficiency of your home. Aging or inefficient windows can strain your HVAC system, leading to increased energy consumption and higher electric bills. Recognizing the signs of inefficient windows is crucial for prompt action, and The Window & Door Outlet Inc. is here to guide you through the indicators that it’s time for an upgrade.

Drafts: Unwelcome Intruders of Energy Loss

One of the most telltale signs of inefficient windows is the sensation of drafts or airflow, even when the window is closed. This occurrence indicates that your windows are allowing precious conditioned air to escape, significantly impacting the energy efficiency of your home. If you notice drafts, it’s time to consider upgrading to windows that provide a superior seal against unwanted air infiltration.

Condensation: A Clue to Potential Leaks and Cracks

Condensation trapped within your windows or persistent fogging can be a subtle yet impactful sign of potential leaks and cracks. These issues compromise the insulation capacity of your windows, allowing air exchange and diminishing overall energy efficiency. Addressing condensation promptly is essential to prevent further deterioration and to maintain an energy-efficient home environment.

Visible Damage: A Window’s Cry for Attention

If you observe visible cracks, warping, or damage to your window frames, it’s a clear indication that your windows are no longer performing optimally. Damaged frames not only compromise the structural integrity of your windows but also contribute to energy loss. Promptly considering window replacement when visible damage occurs is crucial to avoid escalating impacts on your home’s energy efficiency.

Choose The Window & Door Outlet Inc. for Energy-Efficient Solutions

When the signs point to the need for window replacement, trust the expertise of The Window & Door Outlet Inc. We stand as the most trusted window company in New Jersey, offering a diverse range of energy-efficient windows with customizable options. Our team is dedicated to providing solutions that not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but also maximize energy efficiency, contributing to long-term savings on your utility bills.

Contact Us Today for Your Window Upgrade

Don’t let inefficient windows compromise your home’s energy efficiency and increase your energy bills. Contact The Window & Door Outlet Inc. today to explore our comprehensive selection of high-performance, energy-efficient windows. Our team is ready to assist you in upgrading your home, ensuring comfort, savings, and a more sustainable living space.