Serving New Jersey Homeowners Since 1997

How Long Should an Exterior Steel Door Last?

Mar 03, 2023

Have you recently invested in a new exterior steel door for your home? Excellent choice! Exterior steel doors offer numerous benefits to homeowners including enhanced security, improved energy efficiency, and a boost in curb appeal thanks to their classic appearance. However, you may be wondering how long your exterior steel door will last. Allow us to explain.

The Average Lifespan

Steel front door.

Steel doors are considered more durable and long lasting than other materials of exterior doors such as wood or fiberglass. You can expect your exterior steel doors to last anywhere from 30 to 50 years after their installation. However, this estimate can be impacted by a number of factors, including climate and location.

Factors That Affect a Steel Door’s Lifespan

The overall location of your home can play a large role in the lifespan of your steel doors. For example, saltwater corrodes steel so if your home is near the shore in New Jersey, it’s important to care for and maintain your doors to prevent this. Additionally, harsh weather and airborne debris from storms can also put your steel doors at risk for damage.

Partner With Window & Door Outlet For Exterior Steel Doors

If your exterior steel door is in need of a replacement, or you’re considering having one installed for the first time, partner with the company you can trust: The Window and Door Outlet Inc. We have been serving homeowners in the New Jersey area for years and are eager to add you to our long list of satisfied customers. We can’t wait to work with you. Contact us today.