Serving New Jersey Homeowners Since 1997

Exterior Doors that Withstand the Elements: Weather-Resistant Options

Jun 09, 2023

Exterior Doors That Withstand The Elements: Weather-Resistant Options

Your exterior doors play an important role in the overall weather resistance of your home. Exterior doors not only provide security and privacy, but they also act as a barrier against the elements. Whether it’s intense sunlight, heavy rain, or extreme temperatures, selecting doors that can withstand these conditions is essential for the longevity and comfort of your home. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best options for exterior doors that are built to withstand the various weather elements that New Jersey has to offer.

Fiberglass Doors

Fiberglass doors have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their durability and versatility. These doors are made of a composite material that combines fiberglass with other durable materials, resulting in a strong, weather-resistant door. Fiberglass doors are highly resistant to warping, cracking, rotting, and dents. They also provide excellent insulation, which helps regulate temperature and reduce energy costs.

Steel DoorsA Steel Door

Apart from their unmatched strength and ability to withstand forced entry, steel doors are also highly resistant to harsh weather conditions. They’re not prone to warping or rotting, and they can withstand heavy rains, strong winds, and extreme temperature fluctuations.

Strom Doors

If you want to add an extra layer of protection to your main exterior door, consider installing a storm door. Storm doors are typically made of aluminum or fiberglass and are designed to shield your main door from the elements. They can effectively prevent drafts, protect against extreme temperatures, and reduce energy loss.

Partner With The Window & Door Outlet

If you need help choosing the right weather-resistant door for your New Jersey home, contact The Window & Door Outlet Inc., to schedule a complimentary consultation with our knowledgeable team.